Journey of Illumination

Journey of Illumination

We are pleased to invite you into this Journey of Illumination, a process for continued spiritual growth and transformation of men.

The Journey of Illumination is a five-fold process or practice, informed by rich spiritual tradition, that challenges you to show up and pay attention daily to the need to overcome the weight of your routine. The goal of this process is to realize a full, intense and well-grounded spiritual journey. Doing so is not easy, but it does involve clear elements:

→  Centering - we are men grounded in the power of the here and now.
→  Gathering - we are men who listen deeply to each other's stories.
→  Connecting - we are men who choose another to walk with - shoulder to shoulder.
→  Releasing - We are men who let go of the ways that no longer serve us.
→  Serving - we are men who honor the earth and serve the whole human community.